Fidelity Insurance Brokers
Sabotage and Terrorism is an evolving risk in an ever-changing political landscape. We are a leading specialist in Sabotage & Terrorism and Political Violence placements with experience in handling an array of clients from the oil and gas industry, banking, major hoteliers, motor vehicles distributors, infrastructure including rolling stock and government assets.
Nobody is immune from the risk of social unrest and terrorism, businesses and industry can be affected by attacks within their street, area or country. Businesses also suffer collateral damage as a result of incidents within close proximity to their insured locations including glass breakage, access prevention and reduced revenue post loss.
Developing bespoke solutions
Our products provide clients with a tailor-made solution to cover a variety of exposures. We recognize that not every client’s needs are the same. Our standalone Terrorism and/or Political Violence programmes are tailor made specifically to suit each client’s exposures and assets through bespoke wordings and coverage offered.
Our services:
Terrorism, sabotage and political violence including bespoke products for:
- Terrorism liability (GL/EL)
- Political violence property damage and business interruption
- Loss of attraction
- Active shooter
- Terrorism Crisis Solutions
- The threat of a malicious act
- Work place violence
- Non damage related business interruption